. Mechanical properties of cultured human airway smooth muscle cells from 0.05 to 0.4 Hz. J Appl Physiol 89: 1619-1632, 2000.-We investigated the rheological properties of living human airway smooth muscle cells in culture and monitored the changes in rheological properties induced by exogenous stimuli. We oscillated small magnetic microbeads bound specifically to integrin receptors and computed the storage modulus (GЈ) and loss modulus (GЉ) from the applied torque and the resulting rotational motion of the beads as determined from their remanent magnetic field. Under baseline conditions, GЈ increased weakly with frequency, whereas GЉ was independent of the frequency. The cell was predominantly elastic, with the ratio of GЉ to GЈ (defined as ) being ϳ0.35 at all frequencies. GЈ and GЉ increased together after contractile activation and decreased together after deactivation, whereas remained unaltered in each case. Thus elastic and dissipative stresses were coupled during changes in contractile activation. GЈ and GЉ decreased with disruption of the actin fibers by cytochalasin D, but increased. These results imply that the mechanisms for frictional energy loss and elastic energy storage in the living cell are coupled and reside within the cytoskeleton. cytoskeleton; storage modulus; viscoelasticity; contraction; structural damping; magnetic twisting cytometry PHYSICAL FORCES ACTING ON cells and the resulting cell deformations affect critical features of cell function, including proliferation, differentiation, wound healing, protein and DNA synthesis, apoptosis, cell shape, and cell motility (3,5,6,22). When deformed, a cell stores mechanical energy, and this stored energy permits subsequent recovery of shape. The cell also dissipates mechanical energy through mechanical friction. The structural origin for cell elasticity is widely believed to originate in the network of actin fibers within the cytoskeleton (50). However, the origin for energy dissipation is less clear but is often thought to arise from viscous mechanisms associated with shear of the cytoplasmic fluids (2,26,45,51).A common method to separate elastic from dissipative behavior for any material is to measure responses to oscillatory loads (21). Although the oscillatory mechanics of reconstituted gels of the cytoskeletal filaments have been well studied (24,32,36), there have been relatively few investigations of the oscillatory mechanics of the intact living cell. In studies of the oscillatory mechanics, the cell was probed with the use of a variety of techniques: through the cell surface by atomic force microscopy (46), from the interior by oscillating intracellular granuoles using laser tracking (60), along the cell longitudinal axis using glass manipulators (47), or in a cell pellet using oscillating disk rheometry (12,23). However, no study has yet reported the oscillatory mechanics of the cell by accessing the cytoskeleton through direct attachments to focal adhesions. Focal adhesions are the mechanical connections linking the cytoskeleton of t...