Intracellular ice formation (IIF) is almost invariably lethal. In most cases, it results from the too rapid cooling of cells to below −40°C, but in some cases it is manifested, not during cooling, but during warming when cell water that vitrified during cooling first devitrifies and then recrystallizes during warming. Recently, Mazur et al. [Cryobiol. 55 (2007) 158] dealt with one such case in mouse oocytes. It involved rapidly cooling the oocytes to −25°C, holding them 10 min, rapidly cooling them to −70°C, and warming them slowly until thawed. No IIF occurred during cooling but intracellular freezing, as evidenced by blackening of the cells, became detectable at −56°C during warming and was complete by −46°C. The present study differs in that the oocytes were warmed rapidly from −70°C to temperatures between −65°C and −50°C and held for 3 to 60 min. This permitted us to determine the rate of blackening as function of temperature. That in turn allowed us to calculate the activation energy (Ea) for the blackening process; namely, 27.5 kcal/mole. This translates to about a quadrupling of the blackening rate for every 5° rise in temperature. These data then allowed us to compute the degree of blackening as a function of temperature for oocytes warmed at rates ranging from 10 to 10,000°C/min. A 10-fold increase in warming rate increased the temperature at which a given degree of blackening occurred by 8°C. These findings have significant implications both for cryobiology and cryo-electron microscopy.
KeywordsIce; intracellular; recrystallization; activation energy; oocytes; mouse The major cause of death in cells subjected to freezing is the formation of intracellular ice (IIF). Or put differently, to survive freezing, a cell must be cryopreserved in ways that avoid or minimize IIF. In a recent study, Mazur et al. [13] investigated intracellular freezing in mouse oocytes subjected to an unorthodox cooling regime referred to as interrupted rapid cooling. In this procedure, cells are cooled rapidly to a temperature above that at which intracellular ice can form, held various times at that temperature, and then cooled rapidly to −70°C or below. The rationale is the following: Since after the initial rapid cool, the cells are unfrozen, they are by definition supercooled, and because their water is supercooled, it will leave the cells osmotically in response to the lower chemical potential outside. If they are held at this intermediate temperature for sufficient time, they will lose most of their freezable water and *Corresponding author. Fax +1 865 974-8027, E-mail address: E-mail: (P. Mazur).
✧ Research supported by NIH Grant R01-RR18470Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the prod...