The neuroblastoma parent was N18TG2 (1, 2). This cell line is resistant to 1 X 10-4 M 6-thioguanine and lacks hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRTase) activity. The cells do not multiply in media supplemented with 1 X 10-4 M hypoxanthine, 1 X 10-6 M aminopterin, and 1.2 X 10-5 M thymidine (HAT). The N18TG2 cells were grown in the presence of 1 X 10-4 M 6-thioguanine for at least four generations prior to use.Primary cells were obtained from superior cervical and paravertebral sympathetic ganglia dissected from 12-to 14-day-old mouse embryos (C57BL/6) and dissociated with trypsin as described (7). Single cells were suspended in complete F-14 supplemented with 10 units/ml of 2.5S nerve growth factor. Cells were seeded into 100-mm plastic tissue culture dishes (Falcon, cat. no. 3003) and incubated for 4 hr at 37'. Attached cells, which consisted predominately of fibroblast-like cells, were discarded or were used for karyotype analysis. Floating cells and cells not firmly attached to the substratum were harvested by gentle washing and used immediately for hybridization. Aliquots of the cell suspension enriched with respect to neurons were seeded in separate dishes; after 36 hr 95% of the cells that attached resembled neurons in morphology.Hybridization. Trypsinized neuroblastoma cells and normal cells from sympathetic ganglia were fused in suspension for 2 hr at 370 in 1 ml of F-14 supplemented with 10 units of nerve growth factor per ml in the absence of serum. The cell suspension contained 500 hemaglutinating units of Sendai virus inactivated with f,-propriolactone, 5 X 105 N18TG2 neuroblastoma cells, and 2.5 X 105 cells from sympathetic ganglia (the fraction enriched with neurons). The cells were gently resuspended every 20 min during incubation. After incubation, cells were suspended again and were plated into 100-mm plastic culture dishes in complete F-14 medium supplemented with 10 units of nerve growth factor per ml at concentrations of 0.25, 1.25, and 5 X 104 cells per dish. After two days of incubation, the medium was changed to complete medium plus HAT. After 15-30 days in the selective medium, discrete colonies of greater than 100 cells were observed. The medium was removed from the plates and the colonies were individually isolated with cloning cylinders and harvested with the aid of glass pipettes with fine tips. After the cell lines were isolated and established in culture, the growth medium was changed to DMEM supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum and HAT. Characterization of Cell Lines. Karyotype analysis was performed by counting total numbers of chromosomes and