The objectives of these studies were to determine cell yield and fermentation responses of a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium poultry isolate using various dilution rates in steady state continuous culture incubations. S. enterica Typhimurium cells were propagated in continuous cultures with a total volume of 0.50 l of Luria Bertani medium containing 0.1% glucose. Dilution rates from 0.0125 to 1.44/h were used. Cell protein concentration generally increased linearly with increased dilution rate up to a rate of 0.54/h and declined at the higher dilution rates. Glucose consumption gave a similar pattern to cell protein concentration by declining at the three highest dilution rates. Short chain fatty acid production was inconsistently influenced by dilution rate. Acetate, the most predominant fatty acid produced, declined at the higher dilution rates, as did propionate. Ammonia production remained stable at the lowest dilution rates, but increased significantly at a dilution rates above 0.27/h.