Sedimentary rocks preserve a record of the prevailing environment by accumulating new layers over time with characteristic physical and chemical properties. Sedimentary rocks on Mars have been a significant focus of study from both remote sensing observations and in situ investigations (e.g., Grotzinger & Milliken, 2012;McEwen et al., 2010). The equatorial region of Arabia Terra on Mars hosts many 10-100 km diameter impact craters that contain layered deposits. The layered deposits in these craters have meter to decameter scale bedding and can span the full extent of the crater interior (Malin & Edgett, 2000). The deposits appear at the surface as eroding layered buttes and tabular "stair-step" strata (Edgett & Malin, 2002). Individual layers in outcrops are expressed as slope breaks exposed for hundreds of meters along strike. Previous studies have developed multiple naming conventions for these and other possibly related deposits, including Equatorial Layered Deposits (ELD) (Hynek, 2003;Pondrelli et al., 2015;Schmidt et al., 2021), Interior Layered Deposits (ILD) (Lucchitta et al., 1994, and references therein), and Light Toned Deposits (LTD) (Rossi et al., 2008). Here, we elect to refer to the formations we investigated within this study simply as layered deposits to avoid overlapping implied formation mechanisms from other works.It is not currently known how the intracrater-layered deposits in Arabia Terra formed. Assorted formation mechanisms combining different sediment sources, transport mechanisms, and diagenetic processes have been proposed to explain their formation. Proposed formation mechanisms include groundwater-fed evaporitic playas or evaporitic cementation of aeolian sediments (