Intramolecular electron (eT) and energy transfer (ET) have shown to occur in a covalently linked donor-acceptor (CLDA) system consisting of a naphthalene donor covalently linked through a polyamine chain connector to an anthracene acceptor; the connector has been chosen in order to switch ON or OFF the energy flux as a function of its protonation state as well as by co-ordination to Zn 2þ . The largest energy transfer efficiency ðg ¼ 0:61Þ occurs for the fully protonated form ðpH < 2Þ, while at pH > 9 (eT) from the lone pairs of the nitrogens to the excited fluorophore takes place, leading to complete quenching of the emission. On the other hand at neutral and basic pH values, coordination of Zn 2þ prevents the eT quenching allowing the ET process to occur. Ó