Abstract. Intramolecular dynamics of the vibrational levels (up to v = 5) of the ν1 mode in (CF3)2CCO molecule, induced via multiphoton selective excitation of this mode by resonant femtosecond IR radiation, was studied. The times of intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) of each vibrational level v to the remaining modes of the molecule were measured. In accordance with the theory predictions the decrease of IVR time with increasing v is observed. A sharp reduction of the IVR time (up to 1 ps) at a wavelength of 2130 cm 1 of transition v=3 o v=4 was found. It was shown that with a negative chirp of a femtosecond radiation pulse the population of high-lying vibrational levels of ν1 modes significantly increases.At a multiphoton excitation of selected vibrational modes in the molecule an implementation of photochemical bond-selective processes (or group of bonds) is possible. However, this possibility is limited due to effect of rapid intramolecular energy redistribution (IVR) from the excited mode to other vibrations of the molecule [1]. It is therefore important to study the process of IVR for different vibrational levels of the excited molecule. The aim of this work was to study vibrational dynamics in bis (trifluoromethyl) molecule (CF3)2CCO, resulting from multiphoton excitation of the ν1 =2194 cm 1 mode of the C=C=O bond vibration by resonance IR femtosecond radiation.In the experiments the IR pump-probe method with a spectral analysis of the probing radiation was used. For this purpose the new IR detector, namely high-sensitive and lownoise linear array on the basis of CdHgTe, developed with the participation of the authors, was employed for the first time. Measurements were carried out in the gas phase at low pressure, which made it possible to completely avoid the influence of intermolecular interaction. The duration of the pump and probe pulses was 120 fs with a spectral width of ~230 cm 1 . The spectra of induced transmission/absorption ΔOD depending on the delay