“…The detail setting of imaging modes in the NGENUITY 3D visualization system (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX) for both PPV and 3D-FA were setup as described in Table 1 with minor modifications to the settings in the previous report. 3 Briefly, before 3D-FA, the standard 27-gauge (27 G) PPV with a noncontact wide-angle viewing system (Resight; Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena, Germany) using the NGENUITY 3D visualization system (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX) was performed under sub-Tenon anesthesia with approximately 4 mL of 2% lidocaine in all cases. For 3D-FA, an interference barrier filter (SD-FAG-Z; Scimen Design Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) was adapted to the operating microscope (OPMI LUMERA 700; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany), and 27-G light pipe (27-G midfield endoilluminator, Synergetics, Inc, O'Fallon, MO) connected to the excitation filter (FAG filter, Scimen Design Ltd, Tokyo, Japan)-mounted light source (Photon II, Synergetics, Inc, O'Fallon, MO) was used for intraocular illumination during 3D-FA-guided PPV.…”