Optimal Foraging Theory predicts that parasitoid females should optimize their host selection to maximize their lifetime fitness gain and parasitize the most profitable hosts. In particular, in solitary parasitoids, females should avoid superparasitism, at least when sufficient unparasitized hosts are available. However, when unparasitized hosts are scarce, they should prefer, among already parasitized hosts, those that provide the best survival probability to their progeny, which depends on the age and the developmental stage of the first parasitoid.
To test this hypothesis in a solitary ectoparasitoid, Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae Rondani (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), we first assessed the survival probability of a second parasitoid according to the time elapsed since initial parasitism. We then analyzed the female selection behavior in patches containing a mixture of hosts parasitized over various time intervals.
Our results showed that the older the opponent larva was, the lower the survival probability of the second parasitoid was. However, when the first individual had reached the prepupal stage, both individuals could complete their development. At this stage, the survival probability of the second parasitoid was surprisingly high but such individuals were reduced in size.
Our study also showed that host acceptance by females was strongly correlated with the survival probability of their progeny when the first parasitoid was from 0 to less than 10 days‐old. When the first parasitoid had reached the prepupal stage, females usually rejected these hosts, although the survival probability of the offspring was quite high. This discordance between female host selection behavior and progeny survival probability is discussed.