Aneurysms of the subclavian-axillary segment are rare, but when diagnosed they must be treated. This article describes two cases of aneurysms of the upper extremities, one in a subclavian artery and the other in an axillary artery. The first case was a 71-year-old male with a pulsating supraclavicular bulge on the right and muscle weakness in the ipsilateral extremity. Duplex scanning and arteriography confirmed the diagnosis of aneurysm of the right subclavian artery and the patient underwent aneurysmectomy and end-to-end anastomosis. The second case was a 24-year-old female patient, with no history of comorbidities, who presented with a pulsating mass in the right axillary region and paresthesia of the ipsilateral extremity. Duplex scanning and arteriography confirmed an aneurysm in the right axillary artery, which was successfully treated with aneurysmectomy and end-to-end anastomosis. Pathology findings showed that the first case was an atherosclerotic aneurysm and the second was a congenital aneurysm.Keywords: aneurysm; subclavian artery; axillary artery; surgery.
ResumoOs aneurismas do segmento subclávio-axilar são de ocorrência rara e, uma vez diagnosticados, devem ser tratados. Neste trabalho, relatamos dois casos de aneurismas de membros superiores, sendo um da artéria subclávia e outro da artéria axilar. No primeiro caso, o paciente de 71 anos, sexo masculino, apresentava abaulamento pulsátil supraclavicular direito associado à fraqueza muscular no membro ipsilateral. Foram realizados duplex scan e arteriografia, que confirmaram o diagnóstico de aneurisma da artéria subclávia direita, sendo o paciente submetido à aneurismectomia com anastomose término-terminal. No segundo caso, uma paciente de 24 anos, do sexo feminino, sem antecedentes mórbidos ou comorbidades, apresentava queixa de massa pulsátil na região axilar direita associada à parestesia no membro ipsilateral. O duplex scan e a arteriografia confirmaram o aneurisma da artéria axilar direita, que foi tratado com aneurismectomia e anastomose término-terminal com