Serious neurological complications caused by spinal hematoma or abscess following central neuraxial block have been reported more often during the last years. In contrast, severe complications are extremely rare associated with peripheral nerve blocks. Concerned about the safety of spinal and epidural anesthesia, we encourage the use of peripheral regional techniques for procedures on the lower extremity and especially for postoperative regional analgesia. Motor block due to lumbar epidural anaesthesia using high concentrations of local anesthetic makes spinal hematoma or abscess difficult to recognize. Therefore, low concentrations of local anesthetic should be used for postoperative epidural analgesia. Any increase in motor block following neuraxial blockade should raise the suspicion of a spinal compression (e.g. hematoma or abscess). Other symptoms are back pain, radicular pain or paresthesia and incontinence. Disastrous neurological injuries can only be prevented by immediate diagnosis (MR, CT or myelography) and therapy (surgical decompression).