Anemia is a frequently diagnosed complication in patients with various diseases of the esophagus and stomach, which negatively affects the quality of life and aggravates the course of the prior disease. There are three main mechanisms for reducing hemoglobin in the pathology of the upper gastrointestinal tract: bleeding, malabsorption, chronic inflammation. A combination of pathogenetic factors often leads to anemia associated with a deficiency of both iron and vitamin B complex. Anemia of chronic diseases is less common.Material and methods. 38 people with diseases of the esophagus and stomach were examined: 20 women and18 men. The average age was 70 years old. All patients were divided into groups according to the diagnosed variant of anemia: iron deficiency anemia (IDA), anemia of chronic diseases (ACD) and a combination of IDA and ACD, as well as by the type of therapy performed (therapy with iron preparations, B vitamins and treatment of the prior disease).Results. A comparative analysis of the hematopoietic lineage indices before and after the treatment was performed. A clinically significant increase in hemoglobin, erythrocytes and erythrocyte indices was observed in patients with IDA who received parenteral therapy with iron preparations, as well as combined treatment with iron preparations and B vitamins. In the ACD and ACD + IDA groups, there were no significant changes in the parameters of the hematopoietic lineage in any of the therapy variants.Conclusion. The effect of the treatment was found only in patients with IDA who received parenteral therapy with iron preparations. The rest treatment options did not show a positive effect on the dynamics of blood indices in any of the groups. Perhaps a longer follow-up and an increase in the sample of patients will allow creating an effective individualized algorithm for anemia therapy.