effect of heterogeneous Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) on
the structural changes at the nanoscale (or so-called nanoinstability)
of amorphous SiO
nanowire (a-SiO
NW) as athermally induced by uniform electron
beam (e-beam) irradiation is investigated in an in situ transmission electron microscope. It is found that at room temperature
the straight and uniform a-SiO
NW demonstrates
a considerable uniform plastic elongation and an accelerated uniform
radial shrinkage at the nanoscale. However, once being modified with
AuNPs, the nanocurved sidewall surface of a-SiO
NW becomes intriguingly passivated. As a consequence, both
the elongation and the radial shrinkage of the AuNPs-modified a-SiO
NW are greatly retarded. A new mechanism
of athermal diffusion and plastic flow combined with athermal evaporation
as driven by the nanocurvature of a-SiO
NW and the beam-induced soft mode and instability of atomic vibration,
which are different from the existing knock-on mechanism, is proposed
to elucidate the observed new phenomena.