In a recent letter, Bokarev et al.[1] create a general relationship between state-dependent fluorescence yield and electron delocalization in L-edge x-ray absorption spectra based on 2p core-electron excitations into e g and t 2g orbitals for three aqueous ionic species. In this Comment, we show that Bokarev et al. do not account for previous findings and that their claims are unsubstantiated.The crucial role of state-dependent fluorescence yield was established previously [2][3][4]. Ab initio restricted active space self consistent field approaches for transition-metal L-edge spectroscopy have been reported before [5,6] and it was established that the state-dependence fluorescence yield for aqueous Cr 3þ arises from local atomic effects [4]. In contrast to the assertions in Ref.[1] that the analysis in Ref.[4] is mostly based on semiempirical simulations of spectral line shapes, we note that the same kind of ab initio quantum-chemistry model was employed as in Ref. [1]. Furthermore, rigorous ab initio calculations of the fluorescence pathways are missing in Ref.[1] although they were shown to be essential for a correct interpretation of the fluorescence-yield x-ray spectra [4].In spite of these findings and beyond the presented computational approach, Bokarev et al. advocate an interpretation in which the differences between total and partial fluorescence yield x-ray spectra arise, next to large x-ray optical effects, from a t 2g -and e g -dependent delocalization of the core-excited electron into the water solvation shell. X-ray optical effects, including, in general, more than the mentioned solvent-background variation and, in particular, the strong polarization dependence [7,8], are not quantitatively treated although this is necessary and straightforwardly possible [4].The interpretation by Bokarev et al. is based on two arguments. The first is that the covalent overlap between the oxygen 2p derived lone-pair state of water is larger with the Fe e g than with the t 2g orbitals. Second, Bokarev et al. determine the time-independent dipole transition-matrix elements for the 2p −1 t 1 2g core-excited states as smaller than for 2p −1 e 1 g . Neglecting the dominant (> 99%) nonradiative decay channels of the core-excited states, they postulate an unquantified longer lifetime of the 2p −1 t 1 2g over the 2p −1 e 1 g states. With these assumptions they invoke a more "pronounced" or more "complete" electron delocalization in the 2p −1 t 1 2g over the 2p −1 e 1 g resonances that should be visible as state depend-fluorescence yields depending on the orbital population of t 2g and e g states.The claims by Bokarev et al. are not sufficiently supported. First, the correlation between 2p excitations into t 2g orbitals and the appearance of spectral differences is not substantiated. Bokarev et al. display dominant t 2g occupations for Fe 3þ in Fig. 1(b) at 709.9, 710.4, and 710.7 eV and for ½FeClðH 2 OÞ 5 2þ and ½FeCl 2 ðH 2 OÞ 4 þ above 709 eV but the spectral distortions are minor or not present at these energies. In tu...