A B S T R A C TThis article investigates the enregisterment of an internet-specific language variety and its features. The enregisterment of internet language is explored through several sites of metadiscourse: academic scholarship about computer-mediated communication, uses of the metalinguistic terms netspeak and chatspeak in print media, and online comment threads about language and the internet. This metadiscourse provides evidence of a shared concept of internet language as comprising distinctive written features, primarily acronyms, abbreviations, and respellings. Internet language's enregisterment emerges from standard language ideology and deterministic views of technology, where the construal of these features as both nonstandard and internet-specific articulates the perceived distinctiveness of internet interactions. Yet empirical evidence shows that these features are relatively rare in instant messaging conversations, one form of interaction to which internet language is attributed; this discrepancy has implications for the application of indexical order to enregisterment. (Enregisterment, language ideology, computer-mediated communication, internet, metadiscourse, indexical order, Standard English, technological determinism, mass media)*
I N T R O D U C T I O NTechnologies are often thought to influence language (cf. Herring 2003), and as access to the internet and its myriad communicative applications has surged over the past two decades, public discourse about its influence has become commonplace in networked society. In many contexts, metalinguistic terms like netspeak and chatspeak circulate as names for a perceived language variety originating in internet discourse (cf. Androutsopoulos 2006a). This article examines the enregisterment (Agha 2003(Agha , 2007 of an internet-specific language variety and the features comprising it, exploring the foundations of this process in ideologies of language and technology.