Aim - to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the system of the medical and organizational measures aimed at improvement of reproductive health in women of late reproductive age with infertility, and at increase in the effectiveness of the IVF programs. Materials and methods. The study of the efficiency of the developed system of measures was carried out in a representative group (650) of women 35-44 years old (mean age - 37.01+ 1.74 years) with infertility, living in the Samara region and referred to the medical center «Dynasty» for treatment with in vitro fertilization. The following methods of research were used: direct observation, organizational experiment, sociological and analytical methods. Results. The main components of the developed system of events are: medical measures (extended timely examination and treatment; comprehensive assessment of women's reproductive health based on proposed medical criteria, the use of new medical technologies); social measures (individual program of social and hygienic rehabilitation); organizational measures (automation of infertility register control, routing of patients depending on the initial state of health). Implementation of the developed system of measures can improve women's reproductive health according to the criteria of objective and subjective evaluation: it reduces the incidence of miscarriage from 37.5% to 15.3% (p