process of obtaining market information, its dissemina tion within the company and strategy implementation in response to the information obtained. The author of this study defines market orientation as a process of customer and competitor intelligence generation, intelligence dis semination and integration and responsiveness to mar ket intelligence. The shortened version of the instrument (MMOS) has been designed for practical reasons at the request of managers with company experience. The modi fied version also includes an important item "integration" of market information within company which is based on the ideas of Mohr et al. (2014). Also Deshpandé and Farley (1998) Abstract. The aim of this validation study was to verify a four factor model of market orientation on a sample of German high tech companies in the manufacturing industry. A modified version of the measuring scale (MMOS), composed of twelve items, was used for measurement. The target group consisted of business and marketing managers (N = 374) who recorded their an swers on a seven point Likert scale. The main methods used to achieve the objectives were exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Having verified the psychometric properties of the instrument, I proceeded to confirm the hypothesis of a four factor solution model. Reliability and validity of the measuring instrument was also examined, which allowed a confirmation of the second hypothesis. The research may serve as the evidence of the instrument suitability for measuring market orientation in European cultural conditions. To obtain results from other sectors, the author recommends further research replication using the MMOS instrument.