I present a new dose-survival equation for fitting clonogenic assay data collected for cancer cells exposed to radiation. It is a single-target model. The short form of the equation, applicable to normally radiosensitive cells, has three parameters. In contrast to previous target models, this one recognizes that (1) the state a cell is in, when radiation is administered, determines the number of strikes needed to sterilize it (cause it to lose the property of being indefinitely clonogenic) and that (2) different cells in a clonogenic assay will generally be found in different states, unless pains were taken to synchronize them. Excellent fits to published data sets are obtained under the hypothesis that there are two underlying cellular states which differ in their sensitivity to low-LET radiation. I call these "state R" and "state Q." A second hypothesis is then advanced, regarding the time-duration of states R and Q, which explains the empirical observation that rapidly proliferating cancer cells have a straighter dose-survival relationship, while slowly proliferating cancer cells and normal cells have a curvier one. The LQ model can be derived from the new dose-survival equation by taking a Taylor expansion; this yields formulas for α and β in terms of the new model's parameters. The resulting formula for α/β reveals why this ratio grows larger as replication rate increases. The new dose-survival equation enables us to decomposeSF(D)(the fitted curve) into theoretical state-R and state-Q dose-survival curves. If the more radiation-resistant of these, generally the state-Q curve, is used to select a fraction size for fractionated radiotherapy, cell cycle phase is eliminated as a variable in treatment outcome. The decomposition may also enable us to standardize the results reported for clonogenic assays, which in raw form depend upon the conditions in irradiated cell culture (percent confluence, medium used, etc.). Finally, the new dose-survival equation provides a convention for classifying cells as radioresistant. In the Discussion, I offer a hypothesis regarding what states R and Q actually represent, and propose a novel hypothesis for the mechanism behind the "oxygen enhancement ratio" phenomenon. All results are obtained using only high-school mathematics and this paper is accessible to everyone.