Inspired by a recent work of D. Wei-S. Zhu on the extension of closed complex differential forms and Voisin's usage of the ∂∂-lemma, we obtain several new theorems of deformation invariance of Hodge numbers and reprove the local stabilities of p-Kähler structures with the ∂∂-lemma. Our approach more concerns about the dclosed extension by means of the exponential operator e ιϕ . Furthermore, we prove the local stabilities of transversely p-Kähler structures with mild ∂∂-lemma by adapting the power series method to the foliated case, which strengthens the works of A. El Kacimi Alaoui-B. Gmira and P. Raźny on the local stabilities of transversely (1-)Kähler structures.
Contents1. Introduction 1 2. Variations of ∂∂-lemma and ∂∂-equation 6 3. Extension of closed forms: Bott-Chern approach 8 4. Deformation invariance of Hodge numbers 15 5. Local stabilities of p-Kähler structures 19 6. Local stabilities of transversely p-Kähler foliations 27 References 41