Using the Clifford algebra formalism we extend the quantum jumps algorithm of the Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT) to convex state figures other than those stemming from convex hulls of complex projective spaces that form the basis for the standard quantum theory. We study quantum jumps on n-dimensional spheres, jumps that are induced by symmetric configurations of non-commuting state monitoring detectors. The detectors cause quantum jumps via geometrically induced conformal maps (Möbius transformations) and realize iterated function systems (IFS) with fractal attractors located on ndimensional spheres. We also extend the formalism to mixed states, represented by "density matrices" in the standard formalism, (the nballs), but such an extension does not lead to new results, as there is a natural mechanism of purification of states. As a numerical illustration we study quantum fractals on the circle (one-dimensional sphere and pentagon), two-sphere (octahedron), and on three-dimensional sphere (hypercube-tesseract, 24 cell, 600 cell, and 120 cell). The attractor, and the invariant measure on the attractor, are approximated by the powers of the Markov operator. In the appendices we calculate the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the SO(n + 1) invariant measure on S n under SO(1, n + 1) transformations and discuss the Hamilton's "icossian calculus" as well as its application to quaternionic realization of the binary icosahedral group that is at the basis of the 600 cell and its dual, the 120 cell.As a by-product of this work we obtain several Clifford algebraic results, such as a characterization of positive elements in a Clifford algebra C(n + 1) as generalized Lorentz "spin-boosts", and their action as Moebius transformation on n-sphere, and a decomposition of any element of Spin + (1, n + 1) into a spin-boost and a spin-rotation, including the explicit formula for the pullback of the SO(n+1) invariant 1 Riemannian metric with respect to the associated Möbius transformation.
21 Introduction "The accepted outlook of quantum mechanics (q.m.) is based entirely on its theory of measurement. Quantitative results of observations are regarded as the only accessible reality, our only aim is to predicts them as well as possible from other observations already made on the same physical system. This pattern is patently taken over from the positional astronomer, after whose grand analytical tool (analytical mechanics) q.m. itself has been modelled. But the laboratory experiment hardly ever follows the astronomical pattern. The astronomer can do nothing but observe his objects, while the physicist can interfere with his in many ways, and does so elaborately. In astronomy the timeorder of states is not only of paramount practical interest (e.g. for navigation), but it was and is the only method of discovering the law (technically speaking: a hamiltonian); this he rarely, if ever, attempts by following a single system in the time succession of its states, which in themselves are of no interest. The accepted foundation of q...