Abstract:The phase structure of QCD-like gauge theories with fermions in various representations is an interesting but generally analytically intractable problem. One way to ensure weak coupling is to define the theory in a small finite volume, in this case S 3 × S 1 . Genuine phase transitions can then occur in the large N theory. Here, we use this technique to investigate SU(N ) gauge theory with a number N f of massive adjoint-valued Majorana fermions having non-thermal boundary conditions around S 1 . For N f = 1 we find a line of transitions that separate the weak-coupling analogues of the confined and de-confined phases for which the density of eigenvalues of the Wilson line transform from the uniform distribution to a gapped distribution. However, the situation for N f > 1 is much richer and a series of weak-coupling analogues of partially-confined phases appear which leave unbroken a Z p subgroup of the centre symmetry. In these Z p phases the eigenvalue density has p gaps and they are separated from the confining phase and from one-another by first order phase transitions. We show that for small enough mR (the mass of the fermions times the radius of the S 3 ) only the confined phase exists. The large N phase diagram is consistent with the finite N result and with other approaches based on R 3 × S 1 calculations and lattice simulations.