The treatment of the coronary artery disease by balloonexpandable stent apposition is a fully endovascular procedure. As a consequence, limited imaging data is available to cardiologists, who could benefit from additional per-operative information. This study aims at providing a relevant prediction tool for stent apposition, in the form of a mechanically precise simulation, fast enough to be compatible with clinical routine. Our method consists in a finite element discretisation of the stent using 1D connected beam elements, with nonlinear plastic behaviour. The artery wall is modelled as a surface mesh interacting with the stent. As a proof of concept, the simulation is compared to micro-CT scans, which were acquired during the apposition of a stent in a silicone coronary phantom. Our results show that the simulation is able to accurately reproduce the stent final geometry, in a computational time greatly lower than for classic 3D finite element codes. Although this first validation step is preliminary, our work is to be extended towards more realistic scenarios, notably with the introduction of a personalised artery model and the corresponding in vivo validation.