Purpose-In a competitive business environment, repurchasing determines the success rate and growth of an organization. The managers of the organizations are continuously making efforts to establish the name of their brands in the market. Most business organizations consider a brand image as a powerful asset for their growth. This research was conducted to study the importance of brand image and store image on repurchase intention.
Design/methodology/approach-The current study is causal. Data was collected from 500
respondents using a questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. A nonprobability purposive
sampling technique was used to collect the data. Consistency was of data evaluated using reliability and the model was tested using SEM through SPSS AMOS 18.
Findings-The findings revealed that brand image does influence repurchase intention in the readymade garment stores (P <0.05). But on the other hand, the study revealed that store image does not affect repurchase intention directly (P?0.05). The model fit indices like ?2/DF were 1.25, GFI was 0.995, AGFI value was 0.982 indicating high acceptability of the model. PGFI was 0.284; CFI, NFI, TLI, and RMSEA were within threshold limits.
Research Implications-As per the finding, Indian customers have higher repurchased when they have a higher evaluation of the brand image. It shows that brand image is a necessary factor to build a successful repurchase intention. The study has a strong implication for store brands to have more focus on the brand image as it affects repurchase intention directly and gets affected by store image.
Originality value-This research supplies the unique learning to the retail store manager,
brand manager and marketing managers to understand the perception of customers towards the brand image and store image and its impact on repurchase intention. It delivers comprehensions of the branding issue and compares to collected works, therefore contributing a thorough and detailed analysis to comprehend the phenomenon under investigation valuable for the retail sector.