We de scribe the ap pli ca tion of 2D ERT (elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy) sur veys to in ves ti gate the spa tial com plex ity of fluvial de pos its of the Wis³a River val ley in the east ern part of Kraków (south ern Po land). All ERT sur vey lines were com pleted within the in dus tri ally in flu enced floodplain of the Wis³a River at two re search sites. Due to the trans for ma tion of the nat u ral state of the en vi ron ment through many years of in dus trial ac tiv ity of the ArcelorMittal Kraków plant, some of the geomorphological el e ments ana lysed have been ir re triev ably trans formed and hid den by anthropogenic ac cu mu la tions such as waste land fills and en gi neer ing struc tures. Hence, many years of soil con tam i na tion have changed the pri mary re sis tiv ity char ac ter is tics of the subsurface. For this pur pose, the mea sure ment ar ray ap plied com bines stan dard ar rays, i.e., Wenner-Schlumberger and Di pole-Di pole, which gave im proved re sults (higher res o lu tion) in com par i son to the stan dard sin gle ar ray. The data in ter pre ta tion method was sup ported by the cal cu la tion and vi su al iza tion of the ver ti cal and hor i zon tal gra di ents of the in ter preted re sis tiv ity within the re sis tiv ity sec tions. This ap proach al lowed ac cu rate de ter mi na tion of re sistiv ity bound aries on the ERT re sis tiv ity sec tions and thus helped lithological in ter pre ta tion of the flu vial de pos its in the research area. The re sis tiv ity of wa ter in a chan nel lo cated within one of the ana lysed ar eas has im pacted some of the re search re sults. Fur ther more, 2D ERT for ward mod el ing was im ple mented to gen er ate syn thetic datasets. The syn thetic data allowed in ves ti ga tion of the in flu ence of ground wa ter con tam i na tion on the re sis tiv ity dis tri bu tion within su per fi cial lay ers, and also tested the abil ity of the 2D ERT model to rec og nize the de tailed spa tial dis tri bu tion of palaeomeander (me an der scar) infills. All meth ods have pro vided new in for ma tion on the in dus tri ally in flu enced floodplain of the Wis³a River in Kraków.Key words: elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy (ERT), gra di ents of in ter preted re sis tiv ity, 2D ERT mod el ing, flu vial de pos its, Wis³a River val ley, south ern Po land.