Ordinary ferroelectrics exhibit a second order phase transition that is characterized by a sharp peak in the dielectric permittivity at a frequency-independent temperature. Furthermore, these materials show a low temperature dielectric relaxation that appears to be a common behavior of perovskite systems. Tetragonal lead zirconate titanate is used here as a model system in order to explore the origin of such an anomaly, since there is no consensus about the physical phenomenon involved in it. Crystallographic and domain structure studies are performed from temperature dependent synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurement. Results indicate that the dielectric relaxation cannot be associated with crystallographic or domain configuration changes. The relaxation process is then parameterized by using the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann phenomenological equation. Results allows us to hypothesize that the observed phenomenon is due to changes in the dynamic behavior of the ferroelectric domains related to the fluctuation of the local polarization.Keywords: ferroelectrics, piezoelectric materials, dielectric response, dielectric relaxation This is the post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing) of the publication. The final publication is available at IOPSience via http://dx.doi.org/10.1088IOPSience via http://dx.doi.org/10. /1361 2 The macroscopic dielectric response of ferroelectric materials is closely linked to the crystallographic structure, to the ferroelectric/ferroelastic domain structure and to the dynamic behaviors of that domain structure [1]. One of the most attractive aspects of dielectric studies is that the temperature-dependent dielectric response is also sensitive to changes in the crystal structure as well as in the domain structure and/or their dynamic behavior [2]. For instance, phase transitions appear as a maximum in the real and/or imaginary permittivity versus temperature curve. In particular, the paraelectric to ferroelectric phase transition manifests as a sharp peak at a frequency-independent temperature in ordinary ferroelectrics while a wide peak at a temperature that is frequency-dependent is observed in the so-called relaxor ferroelectrics [3].A widely studied dielectric anomaly appears at low temperatures in ordinary perovskite ferroelectrics [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. In the PbZr1-xTixO3 (PZT) system, for instance, it appears independently of the crystallographic phase as a flat region in the real part of the permittivity (ε'), and as a dispersion of the maximum in the imaginary part of the permittivity (ε'') [5]. When the PZT system is acceptor doped, the frequency-dependent maximum of ε'' becomes more visible [5]. However, the anomalous behavior of the permittivity seem to vanish when the material is donor doped [4][5][6]. A similar anomalous temperature-dependent permittivity has been reported in NaNbO3 piezoresponse force microscopy studies showed no phase contrast. Algueró el at. [16] This is the post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing) of the publication. ...