Report on a recent deep-seated landslide at Gírová Mt., Czech Republic, triggered by a heavy rainfall: The Gírová Mt., Outer West Carpathians; Czech Republic Abstract A large deep-seated landslide, triggered by a heavy rainfall, activated early in the morning on May 19, 2010 along the SW slope of Gírová Mt., NE Czech Republic. The landslide occurred within a zone of pre-existing deep-seated gravitational deformation, and it was accompanied with pronounced ground liquefying in the central and lower portion of the sliding mass. The precipitation that triggered the landslide was about 244.6mm that fell between May 15th and 18th with an average of 61mm/day. No properties or lives were lost. However, the landslide provided a good case study on triggering factors and process of liquefaction at mountain slopes in the E Czech Republic and adjacent areas.