In this paper, in situ experiments have been designed using the full-field deformation technique of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) to characterize non-uniform shrinkage in thermoplastic polymers commonly used in traditional and emerging molding processes. These experiments are capable of characterizing the differences in strains that develop due to thermal gradients and stiction as the polymer shrinks from the molten to the solid state during molding processes. The experimental set-up consists of simulated open molds, a heating stage, thermocouples for temperature measurements, and a video imaging system for DIC. From these experiments, it has been shown that there is a large increase in shrinkage strain associated with the transition of the polymer from the molten to the solid state in a mold with reduced side rigidity, and as it is cooled below the Vicat softening point. Changing the cooling rate from air-cooled to quasi-steady state can eliminate the transition at the Vicat softening point. Furthermore, substantial decreases in shrinkage strain are observed when the polymer is melted in an open mold without mold release, while using mold release produces results similar to that observed with reduced side rigidity. A simple one-dimensional model reasonably explains and predicts the observed trends in the shrinkage behavior due to temperature differences through the thickness of the polymer melt when using high conductivity molds as well as constraint in the polymer melt near the mold resulting from stiction.