In this research, the effect of inserting deuterated solid target in plasma focus device 'SBUMTPF1' on neutron yield has been investigated. The deuterated target with the diameter of 2.5 cm was placed at different heights relative to the anode tip. In each height, the best place of target (where the ion density is highest) was found from observing the effects of ions struck on the aluminum samples. Also for each height, 20 shots were performed at the optimum pressure of deuterium working gas and operating voltage, which are equal to 1.5 mbar and 24 kV, respectively. The neutron production was measured with two activation counters, which placed in 0 • and 90 • relative to the anode axis. Neutron scattering from two activation counters was calculated with MCNP4C code and the results showed that this effect is negligible. In this article, the probability of implanting deuterium ions into the titanium target was also investigated. Deviation angle of the ion emission relative to the anode axis was measured experimentally in this research and it was about 3.1 • .