The urgency of more complete use of food blood of slaughter animals is due to the content of protein substances in it with a high digestibility of the organism, in terms of its content it can be equated to meat. However, the part of the processed and used blood for food purposes is only 3% by the meat processing industry. Using of the slaughter animals blood in concentrated form allows its use as one of the most important sources of animal origin protein and a number of other substances necessary for human being - fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins and mineral constituents. For partial canning and simultaneous increase in the content of useful components that make up the blood, it should be concentrated by the methods allowing maximum preservation of the entire complex of substances that make up its composition. A promising method is the concentration by moisture freezing. The concentration of cattle blood on a cyclic action plant was studied. Experimental data reflecting the change in the specific amount of freezed ice from the unit area of the heat exchange surface of the freezing plant and the loss of soluble substances contained in the blood removed from the frozen ice from the main operating parameters of the freezing plant were obtained. It was founf out that with a decrease in the average temperature of the plant evaporator wall, the specific amount of frozen ice from the blood of cattle increases monotonically nonlinearly. An increase in the initial content of dry soluble substances in the initial blood entering the concentration from 18.0 to 28.0% causes a nonlinear decrease in the specific amount of freeze-dried ice from the unit area of the heat exchange surface. It was noted that a decrease in the boiling point of the refrigerant in the evaporator of the freezing plant causes an increase in the dry matter content of the solution obtained by melting the frozen ice, and an increase in the blood flow of cattle washing the evaporator of the freezing plant, on the contrary, causes a decrease in the solids content in the solution obtained by the frozen ice melting.