The paper deals with the reverse engineering, namely the as built documentation of the actual construction. The input is data measured in field using geodetic methods. In addition to modern methods of surveying 3D objects, such as laser scanning, it is still necessary to use classic surveying using a total station. The bottle neck of the process is the creation of documentation of the construction, which is still created manually in the appropriate CAD/BIM software. The goal of the research was to find a method that would reduce the amount of manual work when drawing documentation in CAD/BIM to a minimum. The core of the solution is the use of a topology that interconnects the points measured in field. The entire procedure has 2 parts: 1. Creating a topo-logical drawing template in a suitable CAD/GIS software (digital sketch), 2. Adding geometry to this sketch and creating a drawing using topological codes. The method was verified in practice by applying it to several specific buildings in the Czech Republic. The practical application of the method demonstrated a 30% time saving, a reduction in work and error rate in the entire process.