Recent studies of the star formation region BBW 36 and associated molecular clouds are presented. The 12 CO (1-0) observations, carried out with the 15-m SEST (Swedish-ESO) telescope (Cerro La Silla, Chile), revealed the existence of cloud a, connected with BBW 36 and of cloud b, having elongation in SE-NW direction. A red-shifted molecular outflow with velocity ~+5 km/s (with respect to cloud a), having a direction parallel to the line of sight, was also observed. VLA observations showed the presence of a source VLA 2 at 3.6 cm with an elongation in the N-S direction. It is suggested that the VLA 2 source coincides with a dust disc (surrounding the object BBW 36). The star 3, which is one of the YSOs in the star-forming region BBW 36 and is connected with a bright comma-like nebula, can be the source of the molecular outflow. The star 3 has very high IR colors and is associated with an IRAS point source IRAS 07280-1829, which has IR colors, typical for an IRAS point source, connected with a water maser. On the 2MASS K image of BBW 36 we can see the existence of a bright nebula; a group of stars is embedded in that nebula, and among these stars there are stars with dust discs (or envelopes). On the 2MASS K image several spiral jets are also present, some of them with a condensation at the end.