Articles you may be interested inElectron momentum spectroscopy study of Jahn-Teller effect in cyclopropane J. Chem. Phys. 130, 054302 (2009); 10.1063/1.3068619Study of the molecular structure, ionization spectrum, and electronic wave function of 1,3-butadiene using electron momentum spectroscopy and benchmark Dyson orbital theories An investigation of valence shell orbital momentum profiles of difluoromethane by binary (e,2e) spectroscopyThe valence electronic structure and momentum-space electron density distributions of n-butane have been studied by means of high-resolution (e,2e) electron momentum spectroscopy based on noncoplanar symmetric kinematics. Ionization spectra for the range of binding energies 6 to 32 eV and momenta described by azimuthal angles ϭ0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, and 10°have been recorded and compared to the results of one-particle Green's function calculations, performed using the third-order algebraic-diagrammatic construction ͓ADC͑3͔͒ approximation and series of basis sets of improving quality. Experimental electron momentum profiles have been determined from a set of 11 measurements and compared to theoretical results. It has been shown that despite the complex structure of the spectral bands and the conformational versatility of n-butane, the experimental electron momentum distributions are accurately described by the momentum-space form of orbital densities obtained from Becke three-parameter Lee-Yang-Parr ͑B3LYP͒ density functional calculations. Significant broadening of the spectral lines and the s-type angular dependence of their intensities above 24 eV have been explained by the breakdown of the one-electron picture of ionization for the 3a g molecular orbital.