M. STORDEUR and G. SIMON~) BYIt is succeeded for the first time to interpret the thermoelectric and galvanomagnetic effects, in terms of a nonparabolic six-valley one-valence band model and anisotropic mixed scattering on acoustical phonons and ionized impurities and also the magnitude of thermomagnetic effects and the Lorenz numbers for Sb,Te, single crystals in dependence on temperature between 100 t o 300 K using physical relevant microscopic transport data. By a numerical analysis the effective main axis masses m z , the tilt angle of Fermi ellipsoid 8, the masses m L c , milc, the density of state effective mass md, the mobilities u l c , ullc, and the carrier density ptot are calculated. Also the Fermi level EF, the relaxation time factor zy, the mixture parameters BY and the parameter of nonparabolicity B are given. The calculated values are in good agreement with the corresponding data found by using optical effects a t 80 K and 300 K.
I m Rahmen eines nichtparabolischen Sechstal-Ein-Valenzbandmodells und anisotrop-gemischterStreuung an akustischen Phononen und ionisierten Storstellen ist es erstmals gelungen, die Temperaturabhangigkeit zwischen 100 und 300 K der thermoelektrischen, galvanomagnetischen sowie der GroBe der thermomagnetischen Effekte und der Lorenzzahlen von Sb,Te,-Einkristallen mit physikalisch relevanten mikroskopischen Transportdaten zu erkliiren. Mittels einer numerischen