We investigate the transient coherent transmission of light through an optically thick cold strontium gas. We observe a coherent superflash just after an abrupt probe extinction, with peak intensity more than three times the incident one. We show that this coherent superflash is a direct signature of the cooperative forward emission of the atoms. By engineering fast transient phenomena on the incident field, we give a clear and simple picture of the physical mechanisms at play.PACS numbers: 42.50. Md, 42.25.Dd For many decades, coherent transient phenomena have been used to characterize decays and dephasing in resonantly driven two-level systems [1,2]. A rich variety of systems, with their own particularities, ranging from NMR [3,4] to electromagnetic resonances in atoms [5][6][7][8], molecules [9][10][11][12] and nuclei [13,14], have been used. A simple situation arises when an electromagnetic wave is sent through a sample composed of atomic (or molecular) scatterers. The abrupt switch off of a monochromatic quasiresonant excitation leads to free induction decay in the forward direction [9]. Temporal shapes and characteristic decay times of free induction decay depend on quantities such as laser frequency detuning [5], optical thickness [8,15], and on the presence of inhomogeneous broadening [9] and nonlinearities [16]. For an optically thick medium, since the incoming light is almost completely depleted by scattering in the stationary regime, the free induction decay signal takes the form of a coherent flash of light [8]. Its duration is reduced with respect to the single scatterer lifetime by a factor of the order of the optical thickness [8]. Consequently, its experimental observation, using standard optical transitions (lifetime in the nanosecond range), is rather challenging [17]. In this Letter, we solve this issue by performing free induction decay on the intercombination line of a cold strontium atomic gas. We gain physical insight into coherent transmission, and observe a coherent superflash of light, i.e., a transmitted intensity larger than the incident one [see Fig. 1(c)]. The superflash is due to strong phase rotation and large amplitude of the forward scattered field which are directly measured in our experiment.Related effects have been observed in Mössbauer spectroscopy experiments, where a temporal phase change in the γ radiation can lead to transient oscillations of the intensity transmitted through a sample [13,14]. These oscillations are rather small, typically of the order of 1%. This is because the γ emitter used has a short coherence time. Note that no superflash was ever observed. In a refined "γ echo" experiment, a coincidence detection made it possible to shift the phase of the emitter at a specific time during its exponential decay, leading to a revival of the forward transmitted intensity [18]. Laser spectroscopy is, however, a much easier and flexible tool. First, the temporal or spectral properties of the source can be tuned almost at will, and second, a dilute cold atomic gas c...