This paper presents the influence of deformation rate on the stress-strain curves for two polymers, Polyamide 6 (PA6) and polypropylene (PP), tensile samples being supplied by Monofil SRL Săvinești, Romania. Tensile tests were done at INCAS Bucharest and the presented results are values obtained on 5 bone samples. There were analyzed the following characteristics: Young modulus, stress peak at break, elongation at break and energy at break. Greater deformation rates, when testing at traction, rises the tensile stress limit and diminishes the strain at which the polymer samples break. PA6 and PP exhibit different behaviors. PA6 yields at very low deformation rate, having a high strain at break (0.9) when it is tested at 10 mm/min, but reducing this characteristic for higher deformation rates. PP has similar curves for the tested deformation rates, but with lower tensile stress limit when tested under lower deformation rate. These data are useful when designing polymeric components bearing different strain rates.