IntroductionInvestment decision depends on the targeted profit, availability of fund, as well as the required technical knowhow that is needed in successful implementation of the decision made (Siyanbola, Benjamin, Amuda, & Lloyd, 2020). Investment decision making involves adequate knowledge of associated opportunities within a reasonable time. It is characterized with problems of information overload, inadequate capital, risk, poor diversification and where to invest (Ali Ihsan & Karatas, 2020). On the other hand, several management abuses such as higher operating expenses, poor execution, tax inefficiency and higher brokerage commission as it relates to poor investment decisions, are clogs in the wheel of performance in listed manufacturing companies (Hakim, 2020). The consequence of which include reduction in earning capacity and poor financial ability of these companies as identified by (Akinola & Akinsulere, 2019).Investment is an efficient allocation of human, material and financial resources for medium-term or long-term benefit with the aim of recouping the cost incurred at a profit. Sabri (2016) says that investment decision is committing capital on items that yield optimum returns in a given period of time. It involves what to buy, when to buy and how to buy in order to maximize value. Listed firms must operate within financial adequacy to avoid mismatch of financing right project with wrong fund or vice versa. Short term investment must not suffer at the instance of the long-term. Investment decision making is a continuous cycle which starts exactly where it ends, money made from an investment must be committed to another so that debt would be reduced, resources efficiently utilized and economic growth would be sustained (Ansari, 2018).The volume of transactions conducted in stock market daily makes it highly volatile and relatively unstable which exposed investment to various risks (economic, financial, political and technical). The fluctuations in stock market prices are not in line with the true position of the companies (Signe, 2018). The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) assumes that market is efficient which is not in reality, frequent changes in stock prices are accounted for by investors' behavior which are informed by critical factors, like emotion and psychology. This accounts for a sharp deviation from the traditional financial model in decision making.Government tax policy is an indispensable tool in various firms' investment decision making process, other aspect includes public expenditure and fiscal legislation in force in a given territory (Oloidi, 2014). One of the ways to align with government tax policy is to adopt the strategy which exploits available loopholes in tax administration and regulations to