Low-temperature, plasma-free atomic layer etching (ALE) of Pd 0 is explored. A vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light source (115 < λ < 400 nm) is used in conjunction with a controlled O 2 gas exposure to produce PdO x at 100 °C. The amount of PdO x that forms is dependent on the duration of coexposure of O 2 at 1 Torr and VUV irradiation. A minimum coexposure time of 1 min is required to partially oxidize 2 nm Pd while 3 min is required for 20 nm Pd films, which is verified in situ using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Formic acid vapor is used to complete the etch cycle, which does not etch Pd 0 and only removes the PdO x that forms. Repeated etch cycles on a ∼20 nm Pd thin film yield an etch rate of 2.81 Å/cycle, which is characterized in situ using XPS and ex situ using X-ray reflectivity. The morphology of the Pd 0 surface does not change appreciably with etching. The only observed effect of repeated ALE cycles is a reduction in the roughness of the Pd film, which is measured using atomic force microscopy.