We have studied the effect of He ϩ irradiation on the electrical resistivity and Curie temperature of ferromagnetic SrRuO 3 thin films. An evolution from metallic to insulating behavior is observed when He ϩ ion fluence is increased, suggesting a metal-insulator transition. Damage by ion irradiation produces a strong decrease of the Curie temperature. On the other hand, no significant change in T c ͑ϳ160 K͒ takes place in fresh samples grown at different substrate temperatures. We discuss the possible correlation between structural changes induced by irradiation, which reflect in an increase of the pseudocubic lattice parameter, and the observed depression of T c . © 1998 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0003-6951͑98͒03349-X͔ SrRuO 3 is an orthorhombically distorted perovskite ͑space group Pbnm͒, and the only example of ferromagnetic ordering ͑with a Curie temperature T c , of 165 K͒ in conducting 4d transition-metal oxides. 1,2 This compound has a 4d 4 low spin configuration (Sϭ1) and is believed to have a narrow * band resulting from Ru t 2g and O 2 p orbitals, which governs magnetic ordering. 3,4 The actual nature of magnetism in this material, usually considered as an example of pure itinerant magnetism, 5 is not fully understood yet. This system can be included in the group of the so-called ''bad metals,'' 5,6 strongly correlated electron systems showing remarkable electrical and magnetic properties. A common feature of these materials is the high value of their roomtemperature electrical resistivities, close to the theoretical limit for the metallic state ͑Ioffe-Regel limit͒. From the point of view of possible technological applications, both the crystallographic structure ͑pseudocubic perovskite͒ and lattice parameters of this material, close to those of ͑YBCO͒, make it a promising candidate for the fabrication of ͑SNS͒ Josephson junctions of high-T c superconducting oxides. 7 In addition, its conducting character makes it a suitable material for electrodes in other types of devices based on perovskite oxides, as epitaxial conducting oxide-ferroelectric or superconduction-ferroelectric heterostructures. 8 Structural distortions are known to play a central role in the magnetic properties of SrRuO 3 . The absence of ferromagnetic ordering in the isostructural CaRuO 3 has been explained in terms of a stronger orthorhombical distortion in this compound which changes the sign of the magnetic interaction. 9 Both hydrostatic and chemical pressure resulting from the partial substitution of Sr 2ϩ ͑0.62 A͒ by the bigger Ca 2ϩ ͑1.06 A͒ give rise to a decrease of the Curie temperature, but the system remains metallic. This has been explained in terms of the magnetism of this compound being very sensitive to the Ru-Ru distance. 10 On the other hand, substitution of Ru by Ti up to 20% rapidly reduces the critical temperature and causes an increase of the resistivity which undergoes a crossover from metallic to semiconducting behavior at low temperatures. Once again, this has been proposed to occur as a result of local ...