We present an ab initio investigation on the ground state interaction potentials ͓potential energy surface ͑PES͔͒ between helium and the group 11 metal atoms: copper, silver, and gold. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous theoretical PESs proposed for Cu-He and Au-He, and a single one for Ag-He ͓Z. J. Jakubek and M. Takami, Chem. Phys. Lett. 265, 653 ͑1997͔͒, computed about 10 years ago at MP2 level and significantly improved by our study. To reach a high degree of accuracy in the determination of the three M -He potentials ͑M =Cu,Ag,Au͒, we performed extensive series of test computations to establish the appropriate basis set, the theoretical method, and the computational scheme for these systems. For each M -He dimer we computed the PES at the CCSD͑T͒ level of theory, starting from the reference unrestricted Hartree-Fock wave function. We described the inner shells with relativistic small core pseudopotentials, and we adopted high quality basis sets for the valence electrons. We also performed CCSDT computations in a limited set of M -He internuclear distances, adopting a medium-sized basis set, such as to define for each dimer a CCSD͑T͒ to CCSDT correction term and to improve further the quality of the CCSD͑T͒ interaction potentials. The Cu-He complex has minimum interaction energy ͑E min ͒ of −28.4 hartree at the internuclear distance of 4.59 Å ͑R min ͒, and the short-range repulsive wall starts at 4.04 Å ͑R E=0 ͒. Quite interestingly, the PES of Ag-He is more attractive ͑E min = −33.8 hartree͒ but presents nearly the same R min and R E=0 values, 4.60 and 4.04 Å, respectively. The interaction potential for Au-He is markedly deeper and shifted at shorter distances as compared to the lighter complexes, with E min = −69.6 hartree, R min = 4.09 Å and R E=0 = 3.60 Å. As a first insight in the structure of M -He n aggregates, we determined the rovibrational structure of the three M -He dimers. The Cu-He and Ag-He potentials support just few rotational excitations, while the Au-He PES admits also a bound vibrational excitation.