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AbstractWe significantly improved the performance of precursor-route semiconducting zinc oxide (ZnO) films in electrolyte-gated thin film transistors (TFTs). We find that the organic precursor to ZnO, Zinc Acetate (ZnAc), dissolves more readily in a 1:1 mix of ethanol (EtOH) and acetone than in either pure EtOH, pure acetone, or pure isopropanol. XPS and SEM characterisation show improved morphology of ZnO films converted from mixed solvent cast ZnAc precursor compared to EtOH cast precursor. When gated with a biocompatible electrolyte, phosphate buffered saline (PBS), ZnO thin film transistors (TFTs) derived from mixed solvent cast ZnAc give 4 times larger field effect current than similar films derived from ZnAc cast from pure EtOH. Sheet resistance at V G = V D = 1V is 30 kΩ/!, lower than for any organic TFT, and lower than for any electrolyte-gated ZnO TFT reported to date.