Quasielastic laser light scattering measurements have been made on chromatin oligomers to obtain information on the transition in their electrooptical properties, previously observed for the hexameric structures [Marion, C. and Roux, B. (1978) Nucleic Acids Res. 5, 4431 -44491. Translational diffusion coefficients were determined for mononucleosomes to octanucleosomes containing histone HI over a range of ionic strength. At high ionic strength, oligomers show a linear dependence of the logarithm of diffusion coefficient upon the logarithm of number of nucleosomes. At low ionic strength a change occurs between hexamer and heptamer. Our results agree well with the recent sedimentation data of Osipova et al. [Eur. J . Biochem. (1980) 113, 183 -1881 and of Butler and Thomas [J. Mol. Biol. (1980) 140, 505-5291 showing a change in stability with hexamer. Various models for the arrangements of nucleosomes in the superstructure of chromatin are discussed. All calculations clearly indicate a conformational change with the hexanucleosome and the results suggest that, at low ionic strength, the chromatin adopts a loosely helical structure of 28-nm diameter and 22-nm pitch. These results are also consistent with a discontinuity every sixth nucleosome, corresponding to a turn of the helix. This discontinuity may explain the recent electric dichroism data of Lee et al. [Biochemistry (1981) 20, 1438 -14451. The hexanucleosome structure which we have previously suggested, with the faces of nucleosomes arranged radially to the helical axis has been recently confirmed by Mc Ghee et al. [Cell (1980) 22, 87-96]. With an increase of ionic strength, the helix becomes more regular and compact with a slightly reduced outer diameter and a decreased pitch, the dimensions resembling those proposed for solenoid models.A detailed knowledge of the structural organization of chromatin is required to understand the mechanisms involved in gene expression. In order to account for the highly condensed state of chromosomes, the chromatin is organized into higher-order structures whose diameter (20 -30 nm) is about twice that of nucleosomes, the basic chromatin units (for reviews see [I]). It is not clear how nucleosome chains are folded or coiled in the chromosome fiber and this packing of nucleosomes has been discussed in terms of either solenoidal structure or helical arrays having about 6 -10 nucleosomes per turn, or of 'superbeads' or 'clustered arrays' containing several nucleosomes. The evidence in favour of superbeads has. however, been questioned recently [ 2 ] . Much of the data supporting these models comes from electron microscopy and it appeared recently that this technique may be subject to possible artefacts, especially at low ionic strengths [3 -51. Evidence from other methods is thus needed. In previous papers [6,7], we reported transient electric birefringence studies of rat liver chromatin oligomers. They showed a change in conformation with hexamer. This result is confirmed by recent sedimentation data [5] and birefringence ...