The last decade has seen an intense renewed debate on tunnelling time, both from a theoretical and an experimental perspective. Here, we review recent developments and new insights in the field of strong-field tunnel ionization related to tunnelling time, and apply these findings to the interpretation of the attoclock experiment [Landsman et al., Optica 1, 343 (2014)]. We conclude that models including finite tunnelling time are consistent with recent experimental measurements.
Abbreviations:A adiabatic ADK Ammosov, Delone and Krainov model (1 , 2 ) CEO Carrier-Envelope-Offset phase ϕCEO CoM centre of mass CTMC Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo simulation FWHM full width half maximum IR infrared KR Keldysh-Rutherford model NA non-adiabatic PMD Photoelectron Momentum Distribution PPT Perelomov, Popov and Terent'ev model (3 , 4 ) SAE Single Active Electron approximation SCT Single Classical Trajectory SFA Strong Field Approximation TDSE Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation