Physical and genetic mapping data have become as important to network biology as they once were to the Human Genome Project. Integrating physical and genetic networks currently faces several challenges: increasing the coverage of each type of network; establishing methods to assemble individual interaction measurements into contiguous pathway models; and annotating these pathways with detailed functional information. A particular challenge involves reconciling the wide variety of interaction types that are currently available. For this purpose, recent studies have sought to classify genetic and physical interactions along several complementary dimensions, such as ordered versus unordered, alleviating versus aggravating, and first versus second degree.The successful completion of the Human Genome Project depended crucially on the integration of genetic and physical maps 1 . Genetic maps, also known as gene linkage maps 2 , were constructed by measuring the meiotic recombination frequencies between different pairs of genetic markers. On the basis of many pairwise genetic distances, markers could be placed on a number line with short distances corresponding to low recombination frequencies. Conversely, physical maps were constructed by identifying the position of markers along the chromosome. Physical distances between markers were determined by techniques such as radiation hybrid mapping 3,4 , fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) 5 or, ultimately, automated DNA sequencing 6 . Genome assembly involved a multi-step procedure in which DNA fragments were cloned, sequenced and, on the basis of the markers they were found to contain, ordered relative to each other and to the genetic map 7,8 . Obtaining full coverage of the genome involved generating enough physical and genetic data so that the two maps could be reconciled. Following assembly, the physical and genetic maps were annotated and continuously updated with detailed information about functional elements 9 . For the physical sequence map, the primary annotation task was the identification of genes; for the genetic map, it was linking genes or their surrogate genetic markers with diseases of interest.Remarkably, the mapping cellular regulatory and signalling networks is now proceeding in much the same way 10,11 (FIG. 1). As for genomics, large-scale genetic and physical interaction mapping projects release enormous amounts of raw data that must be filtered and interpreted biologically (BOX 1). Integration of these two types of maps is important because they provide views that are highly complementary with regard to cellular structure and function: physical interactions dictate the architecture of the cell in terms of how direct associations between © 2007 Nature Publishing Group Correspondence to T.I.
Competing interests statementThe authors declare no competing financial interests.
NIH Public Access
Author ManuscriptNat Rev Genet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 January 25.
Published in final edited form as:Nat Rev G...