This paper presents a novel intellectual-property (IP) identification scheme using the existing System-on-aChip (SOC) watermarking design. An efficient and novel principle is established for IP identification which depends on the current IP design flow. The principle is embedding different Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encoders in to System-on-a-Chip (SOC) based watermarked devices at behavior design level. Here the AES encoders provide additional security to the previously generated watermark sequences. This method is efficient as it survives synthesis, placement, and routing and can identify the IP at various levels. It may be easy to detect the identification of the provider even after the chip has been manufactured. The proposed method increases security for the System-on-a-Chip (SOC) based IP identification and protection scheme.
KeywordsIntellectual-Property (IP) identification, system-on-achip (SOC), very large scale integration (VLSI) design, watermarking, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).