The past decade was marked by several important studies deciphering the molecular landscape of metastatic breast cancer. Although the initial goal of these studies was to find driver oncogenic events to explain cancer progression and metastatic spreading, they have also permitted the identification of several molecular alterations associated with treatment response or resistance. Herein, we review validated (PI3KCA, ESR1, MSI, NTRK translocation) and emergent molecular biomarkers (ERBB2, AKT, PTEN, HRR gene, CD274 amplification RB1, NF1, mutational process) in metastatic breast cancer, on the bases of the largest molecular profiling studies. These biomarkers will be classed according the level of evidence and, if possible, the ESCAT (ESMO) classification. Finally, we will provide some perspective on development in clinical practice for the main biomarkers.