Newc.asrle-icpon-Tyne, NE2 4HH, U.K. and ?Ear, Nose and Throat Department, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyrie NE2 411t1, with effusion is characterized by the accumulation of a sterile viscous fluid in the middle ear cleft which is not cleared by the mucociliary transport system [ 11. Previous studies have shown that high molecular mass mucins, with a polymeric structure based on disulphide bridges, comprise 18-31% of the non-dialysable solids in thick effusions [2] and that these mucins are a major viscous component of the effusion 131. Middle ear mucins have a composition characteristic of other mucins and are rich in glucosamine (17.1% of freeze-dried weight) [ 2 ] . At present nothing is known about the biosynthesis or rates of secretion of mucins in normal subjects and patients with otitis media with effusion.Here we describe an in virro system for the study of the biosynthesis and secretion of middle ear mucins and the control mechanisms thereof.Explants of middle ear mucosa (approx. 0.5-1.0 mm') were removed from the tympanum of consenting patients undergoing middle ear surgery. Explants were supported by nucleopore filters floated on medium [RPMI 1640 containing 10%, (v/v) fetal calf serum, 2 mwglutamate, 1% (v/v) penicillin/streptomycin and 2.5 m~-fungizone] and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO,. After 48 h incubation, [ I4Cc]glucosamine was added to the incubation medium ( 2 pCi/ml final concentration) and the medium was collected after a further 24 h. Tissue viability was assessed histologically at the end of the incubation after haemotoxylin and eosin, and periodic acid-Schiff staining. Free label was removed from the medium by exhaustive dialysis. The labelled macromolecules ( M , > 1 0 000) recovered were characterized in terms of their hydrodynamic size, buoyant density and susceptibility t o various enzymes. Hydrodynamic size, before and after enzymic digestion was analysed by size exclusion chromatography on a Sephadex G-150 column (80cm x 1.5 cm) eluted with 0.2 ~-NaC1/0.2% (w/v) NaN,. The buoyant density of radiolabelled peaks was measured after centrifugation (48 h, 40000 rev./min at 4°C) in CsCl density gradients (starting density I .42 g/ml) 14). Labelled macromolecules were digested with papain (EC; 0.08 mg papain/ml of medium in 67 mM-sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.7, containing 5 mM-cysteine/HCI and 5 mM-EDTA, for 48 h at 60°C [SI), chondroitinase ABC (EC; 3.2 pg chondroitinase/ml of medium in 0.1 M-sodium acetate/(). 1 M-Tris, pH 7.3, for 4 h at 37°C [6]) and heparinase Ill (EC; in 0.01 M-sodium phosphate, pH 7.0, for 16 h at 25°C 171). The activity o f the enzymes was confirmed by parallel digestions of specific substrates.Histology showed that explants could be maintained in culture for up to 7 days. Previous studies have reported the maintenance of human middle ear mucosa in organ culture and measurement of ciliary activity [ 81; however, biosynthesis and secretion of macromolecules were not measured in that study.After gel filtration of labelled macrom...