Acts Polymeria 42 (f991) Nr. 7 330 VIKHOREVA, (;r.ADYS€IEV Ct. al.: Slrricturc and properties of cliittman c:arbosyrncthgl ct licr References [l] JACOB, I., awl SCHRBDER, 1-1. R.: Chcmicfascrn 30 (1980) [2] V~C L A V~K , M., LACKO, V., and PECHO~, V.: Chem. vldkna [3] MILITKP, J., JANSA, J., and VANI~EK, J.: Proc. Conf. [4] MILITK~, J., JANSA, J., VANI~EK, J., and CAP, J.: Proc. 114, 228. 80 (1980) 149. FIBRICHEM '80, Bratislava, June 1980. Conf. Modified Polymers, Bratislava, June 1979.formation work decreased with increasing V,, but the coefficients of correlation were relatively low ( r w 0.69). All these results agree with t h e results given in [16]. It is evident that i t can be possible to prepare fibres with higher tenacity and lower elongation by increase of the spinning speed. This leads t o higher molecular orientation, too.
Influence of the velocify of cooling airAs calculated in [2] a higher rate of cooling air causes a n