“…Rather, several studies have reported reductive transformations of birnessite (Mn(IV) oxide) to Mn(III)OOH, or mixed-valent Mn(II,III) 3 O 4 , while in the presence of aqueous Mn(II), which lowers the overall redox buffering capacity. ,, Additionally, Mn(II) can passivate reactive surface sites, block sorption sites on AC, or occupy vacancy sites on Mn oxide that can decrease total sorption capacity. ,, Reactions between Mn(III) or (IV) oxides and electron donors such as sulfide minerals or organic matter can cause reductive dissolution and generate high concentrations of aqueous Mn(II) . There is increasing concern about Mn contamination of drinking water, which can lead to neurotoxic health effects. , Precipitation of Mn(II) compounds such as rhodochrosite (MnCO 3 ), or oxidation to Mn(III) or Mn(III,IV) solids, may limit the concentration of Mn(II) in solution, but these processes can be kinetically slow and are strongly pH dependent. , Oxidation of Mn(II) can be catalyzed both abiotically through complexation with organic compounds or by Mn(IV) oxide mineral surfaces and biotically through various enzymatically driven bacterial or fungal pathways. , Calcareous systems such as EFPC can promote the stability of Mn(II) solids, and the presence of additional electron acceptors (e.g., nitrate) can potentially reoxidize Mn(II) to provide additional redox buffering …”