Quartz-amphibole-pyroxene gneiss from the island of Akilia, Southwest Greenland has been claimed to contain the earliest traces of life on Earth in the form of biogenic carbonaceous matter encapsulated as inclusions in apatite crystals. Various lines of evidence, including petrography, geochronology, field relations, and geochemistry, have, however, been presented that challenge this interpretation. Textural relationships and geochemical signatures in this controversial gneiss presented here manifest a complex, spatially variable metamorphic history that includes granulite-and amphibolite-facies overprints and metasomatism. A peak metamorphic, granulite-facies, quartz-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-amphibole-magnetite assemblage is preserved in only a few centimeter-scale layers within the 5-m-thick, quartz-amphibole-pyroxene gneiss unit. Calcite veinlets that appear to postdate the peak metamorphism occur in pyroxene. The quartz-amphibolepyroxene gneiss unit has subsequently experienced isochemical (except hydration) amphibolite-facies alteration during which pyroxenes were retrogressed to amphiboles and magnetite, and calcite was consumed. Parts of the quartz-amphibole-pyroxene gneiss that contain texturally late hornblende have experienced metasomatic alteration by Al-carrying fluids. These fluids controlled the alteration of pyroxenes and amphiboles to hornblende, and modified the trace-element composition by remobilizing LREE and Eu. Apatite has variable REE composition and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr in the quartz-amphibole-pyroxene gneiss, but on the local scale (cm) is in equilibrium with co-existing silicates. Effective recrystallization of apatite crystals as well as co-existing silicates during several stages of the metamorphic history makes the intact preservation of diagenetic apatite with encapsulated primary carbonaceous matter implausible. Hence, it is highly unlikely that Akilia apatite could serve as repository of the earliest traces of life on Earth.