The utihzalon of iron from the trihydroxamate-type siderophores fernoxamine B (FOB) and fernoxamine E (FOE) by the manne diatom Phaeodactylum trlcornutum was studied Cells grown under iron-hmiting conditions took u p iron faster from FOE and FOB than from Fe-EDTA and FeCI, Minimal iron uptake from the siderophores was observed for cells grown in media with sufficient iron The uptake of iron from FOB was inhibited by the ferrous ion chelator BPDS evidence that a reductive pathway is involved in the uptake mechanism On the other hand iron uptake from FOE was not affected by BPDS, indicating that FOE may be taken up as an intact complex by the cell Uptake kinetics show that FOE is transported faster into the cell than the iron from FOB Growth expenments, however indicated that FOB is more efficient in supplying utilizable iron to the cell The uptake mechanisms exhibited typical saturation kinetics, corresponding to the saturation of the transport ligand for FOE and of the reductive system for FOB FOE transport yielded a lower K, (half-saturation concentratlon) compared to FOB indicating a more efficient true-siderophore transport system The results of our expenments suggest the existence of mult~ple pathway transport mechanisms for iron uptake from exogenous siderophores in P trlcornutum The utilization of microbial siderophores by phytoplankton presents new aspects in bacteria-phytoplankton interaction